Intramurals 2009
12.19.2009 ★ 11:57:00 AM
Well, I want to share you all the experiences I've gone through the past few weeks. One is the
Intramurals. The night before the special event was already awesome. Why? 'Cause Pauline and Tiffany slept over at my house. Yes, it is considered my first sleepover and their first sleepover AT my house. So '
kay, we prepared our things, we checked out some
things on
FB and fixed our costumes for the
cheerdance, watched TV, ate food and others. We finally slept at about 11pm. Since our call-time for the "make-up" thingy was 3am at Inn Asia, we had to sleep early.
Aww, usually @
sleepover's, we don't sleep.
LOL :))

Then, we woke up at 2am and we dressed, we ate burgers for
earlyy breakfast and departed. We arrived at Inn Asia and we saw some of our
batchmates. Most of us were sleepy that time. We waited for our advisers and yet they still aren't there. Guess what time they arrived? About 4 something? Gosh, we arrived about 3am and then they arrived later? HA-HA. Sir
Og (our
choreo), also arrived
super late. He arrived, like, 5am? So, they rushed to paint our faces. It looked fine, we had no time left to have nicer
facepaints but still, it's okay.
Hahh. So, we went to
Stadia and saw the Juniors. We hid at the other side of
Stadia and we went inside.
Mr. and Ms.
Intramurals 2009! Our representatives were Louisa
Villegas and Paolo
Haha, I admit, I was the one who fixed their answers for the
QNA part. Luckily, Louisa was able to answer her question and Paolo as well, however, Paolo had a "mental block" but 'twas okay, he was able to recall...

Unfortunately, our representatives won the last place. Ah, it's
arayt, we're still proud that we've got the two cutest representatives for Mr. and Ms.
Intrams on MG! :D
Btw, the winners were--Katrina Cruz as Ms.
Intrams and Alex Fernandez as Mr.
CHEERDANCE! We were to perform 3rd. First, Sophomores. Their
cheerdance was good. Second, Seniors. Their
cheerdance was
GREAT! Third, US. Our
cheerdance was
AWESOME. [haha omg I'm so vain xD] Last, Juniors. Their
cheerdance was
COOL! Haha. I really liked both Seniors' and Juniors'
cheerdance, though. ;]
MODERN HIP-HOP DANCE. I loved ours so much! But they didn't dance energetically that's why they looked
less enthusiastic.
Heehee! I liked the Seniors' modern dance 'cause it was looked so..
Sophies' modern dance was also good. Plus, the Juniors' dance was awesome as well. Loved 'em all!
Then, they announced the winners for the
cheerdance & modern dance. We defeated the Sophomores!
YAYY. So the champion in the
cheerdance were the Seniors. They deserved it, I swear. 1st runner up-Juniors,
2nd runner up-Freshmen, 3rd runner up-Sophomores. In the modern dance, we also
beated the 2
nd years!
Whoo. 2
nd runner up once again. Although, the Juniors won as the champs. :)
I didn't engage in sports that much in our
Intramurals. I only joined Scrabble, Basketball and Volleyball. Actually, the "basketball" thing was unexpected. I just wanted to play.
LOL! At first, I was too shy but then I realized it was fun
Haha. The
volleyball thing was intentional. However, they didn't want me to play (that's what I think) 'cause I suck.
Well, I played during our basketball game versus Sophomores. Haha. We just have fun 'cause we knew it from the start that we're gonna lose. I think? Kidding.. In the boys' basketball, the champion were the Juniors. In the girls' basketball, the Seniors won.
VOLLEYBALL! Freshmen were soo good at this sport. Haha. Based on my observation, they played superbly! Girls' volleyball, Freshmen beated the 2nd years again. :D Boys' volleyball also beated the 2nd years which made us all so happy as if we won the championship. Haha. The thing is, we didn't yet. haha. Unfortunately, during the finals, our opponents (girls: Juniors; boys: Seniors) beat us in this field of sport. It's okay, they're eventually older than us that's why we're mismatched, yeah right LOL!
Well yeah, we won 3rd runner up in the overall. Tch, we expected to beat the 2nd years. Shh, hahaha! 'Cause look, we almost defeated them in all the major games. *sigh* Perhaps they had higher points on the minor games.. Well nevermind, better luck next time :D
First intrams = great experience
Labels: dance, experience, freshmen, intramurals
Update for OctNovDec
12.04.2009 ★ 4:58:00 PM
GREAT. No updates... At all. But since Christmas break is fast-approaching, I insist that I should inform you about all of my absences here in my dearest blog. Heehee. Wait, let me reminisce some of the memorable stuffs that have happened recently. *blaah blaah*
October & November has passed. Oh gawd, 2 months of no blogging?! Wow! That's a new record. :))
OCTOBER EVENTSAs you could read in my previous blog, I wrote about my excitement regarding Intrams. Unfortunately, Intrams were postponed to December. At this very moment, Intramurals would be next week. Yeah boy!
GO FRESHMEN.October 26 -- MY BIRTHDAY! Haha. It was Monday that time. Me & the group can't hang out at the mall 'cause duh, it's a school day. Plus--exams were at the end of that week. So, I just treated Pauline, Louisa, Mary, Ella, Tiffany and Sam at McDonalds during lunchtime. Haha! A lot of people greeted me that day. Yuhh, I was so happy. XD
October2930 -- 2nd grading preliminary examinations. Easy, maybe. Hard, I guess. ;p
October30th -- I bought a camera! YES! Canon PowerShot A590 IS. Even though it's only a digital camera, I'm still happy 'cause I could practice my photography things by it. Hooray! \:D/
NOVEMBER EVENTSNovember 01 -- All Saints' Day. Yipee, no classes. The whole family with cousins and aunts and uncles went to Garden of Eden or the cemetery we go to every year because our grandpa with his brother is buried there. That's why we visit them every year..
November 02 -- The day my cousins left. Haha. Normaaal day.
November 06 -- Eliminations; Freshmen VS. Seniors. Obviously the 4th years won. Haha. Freshmen boys sucked. =))
-- Jake Cerezo's sixteenth birthday. Happy boitday, Bespren!
November 07 -- Sean's birthday. 'Kay, happy birthday to yew. :))
November 13 -- Freshmen Retreat. One word description:
unforgettable. Sober!! Haha. Perhaps I don't have the privilege to mention the whole story. But in my opinion, 'twas creepy & fun & super memorable. Fun moments with Sam & Louisa. We were so crazy at the middle of the night. LOL. Yuup, we were awake almost the whole night. I slept for only 30mins, hahaha.
November 14 -- We went to the mall and watched 2012.
IT WAS SO AWFUL. After watching the movie I felt as if I wasted money on the ticket that I bought. [[wasted]] Its story was complicated and I don't like it. That's all. After watching, we roamed around the mall, ate @ McDonalds and went to elementary and I went home. I also saw my card that day. I was top10. My average is 92.38. Sigh. LJ is now top8. From no top to 8th rank? Gawd. Jhuliano was also kicked out from the list. Byebye, Jhul! Lols kidding. Good luck to us this 3rd grading ü
November 27 -- Happy 13th birthday Pauline!
November 28 -- Practice at CT High and lunch at McDo (Pau's treat. Ty!)
TODAY is the last day of our exams. So, that means the 3rd preliminary exams are done, beybe. Yes! Well, some of the subjects were pretty difficult. Some were just plain easy. Haha. Hopefully I'd get high scores in all subjects. OHPLEEEEASE*
.. oh by the way, we usually have practices for the cheerdance. Thankfully, we have already completed our dance which only needs a little bit polishing and ta-daaah! And yea, we have a practice tomorrow at city high. :)
I'ma post this now!!!
Labels: birthday, longtime, mcdonalds, october, updates